Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bigger Shoes and Larger Steps

I don't think I'm at an intersection or a crossroad or whatever. I think I'm just changing cars, or maybe, stepping off the train and into my own car. It's nothing plush, but I'm at the wheel; no longer riding a predetermined track.
Recently I've come closer to deciding where I'd like to be within the next few years. It's no Five Year Plan and wouldn't impress my father but it is a change in direction. Hell, it's the first direction (coasting around the country on minimum wage is rather aimless).
I have my sights on where I'd like to be and I know I'll need to work towards it. It will not be handed to me.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Universal Nudges

Things don't always go as planned. It can be easy to forget that, easy to get frustrated.

These unexpected problems and snags can be a quiet reminder to go down the "path less traveled."

Overcoming obstacles often help us broaden our horizons and help us become "well rounded."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer 2012

Spring snows melted and raised the rivers, then we arrived. We open doors that had been nailed shut during the winter. We swept, moped and sanitized. We moved things from their storage places to their summer locations.
The weather cooperated as we set up Tuolumne Lodge, then dropped a blanket of snow leaving is stranded for 48 hours. The weather revived itself, and the snow melted, understanding it was no longer welcomed.
The guests arrived.

Thursday, February 2, 2012